There is nothing I can say that hasn't already been so eloquently shared by others that are actually qualified to do so.
I am heartbroken and totally pissed off...
but I am also filled with hope.
I see that every book on race is sold out on Amazon.
(People are learning, myself included)
I see businesses owned by People Of Color being
shared all over FB and Instagram.
(People are supporting, myself included)
I see calls to action being posted. Who to call, who to email, etc.
(People are taking action, myself included)
I see lists upon lists of where to donate money.
(People are giving, myself included)
What I am reading:
The businesses I have supported this week:
(this shop was started by a 9 year old girl!!)
(I am anxiously waiting for her shop to be restocked!)
Where I have given this week:
Who I am learning from on Instagram right now:
(I just signed up for her course!)
There are thousands upon thousands of resources out there now of what to read, who to follow, where to learn, who to give, who to support, etc. This is just a part of the list that has seen my love this week.
Next week there will be more.
And the week after that there will be even more.
And I pledge to never stop learning, listening and loving.