First up in this installment is the inimitable Sarah Von Bargen, who helps women focus and polish their presence and businesses on the internet. Seriously, the woman is magic. And in her spare time (like she has any?), she has a lifestyle blog called Yes and Yes which is a daily must-read for me and thousands of others. She's a traveler, visionary beyond her years, superstar writer, and I speak from experience when I say that she's a rare find, a true delight. Is the mutual admiration society open for business, or what?
JW: Do you have a morning and/or evening ritual?
SVB: Every night I write in my gratitude journal. The things I list are frequently tiny or silly ('pink hedgehog eraser' comes to mind) but it's a practice that helps me appreciate my life and it's wonderful to look back through my many notebooks, listing all the things I love.
JW: You're absolutely radiant. What are your secrets for healthy hair and skin?
SVB: I live in Minnesota where the winters are six months long and the air is drrrrrry. The best winter moisturiser I've found is grapeseed oil (like, from the grocery store) mixed with a few drops of lavender oil. Now people regularly comment on how soft my skin is!
JW: Sounds lush! What is the most magical thing that has ever happened to you?
SVB: When Richard Simmons touched my hair, looked into my eyes, and said "You know what I like about you? You're not materialistic. Your friends and family are what's important to you. That's what I like about you."
I cried about it. OBVIOUSLY.